Thursday, January 17, 2008

Custom menus?

I notice there is no information on the custom menus feature in either DBA help or the DBA support knowledge base. I may experiment with it, though I think other priorities exist.


georgej said...

Customize allows columns on the page to be dragged and dropped into the customize box to eliminate columns on certain screens, and vice versa. It may have some other functionality. Anyway, it can be useful for users wanting to change a screen appearance, though this overlaps with other techniques for same.

Xeyes said...

CUSTOMIZE isn't the same as custom menus. Somewhat useful to me, sometimes.

SCREEN EDITOR GROUPS sets up different screen and menu configuration groups. Each group can be assigned a different version of any particular screen (screen editor function; very low-level control, be careful, and it's not well-maintained) and a different version of the pull-down menu structure (menu activations; high level on/off choices). Each user can be assigned to any available screen editor group.

It actually has a lot of power available.

Anonymous said...

Every time I have used the screen editor, the next time I have installed an upgrade, it has blown out the changes and reverted everything to the default. So I have not done it since build 100 or so... anyone else see this behavior now?

Xeyes said...

I haven't done enough to notice a pattern. One or two of the upgrades toasted my Service icon, but at least one of those apparently was intentional on their part, as they are discontinuing the function (having discontinued support a long time ago, but not the "referred to programming" responses to my tickets).
There were a couple of other things I did, but nothing mission-critical. If I had a separate user account, I'd have cleaned up a number of disfunctional or unused buttons, but haven't gone there yet.

Xeyes said...

Tom, the other thing about custom screens is that the settings are stored OUTSIDE the database. If you find the config file (check out the ADMIN folder) you may be able to backup and restore those files separately.

Anonymous said...

Yes, found that and played with it for a while... then I just bagged it all and told people if they fuck with anything I would iject their temp files with links to child porn, then call the FBI. :-)

Interstingly, there are some bugs in those config files left over from the EZIJOBZ days.

Xeyes said...


There are some perks to system admin, after all!

There are lots of traces of ezijobz to be found - kinda clutters up the place, but I guess there may be some users out there who came from that?